Rick :: Rick's Site
�::Rick's Comment(s)�::
So what your saying is....your "happy" you can now have kittens? Just checking. ;)
[2004-05-12 11:23:17]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
"Happy"?! "Happy"?!?! Happy, my friend, is far too pale a word! Ecstatic, maybe. Or immensely excited. Or overjoyed. Or maybe obsessed. But I really shy away from that one because, you know, it doesn't really help my reputation any. Pfft! "Happy", indeed!
[2004-05-12 14:17:46]

Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
The kittens are causing her to have kittens, the cause of the kittens are the kittens, the ability to have kittens is causing more kittens to be had. You see?
[2004-05-12 19:00:00]

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