Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
You know what? It's nice to hear someone really in love in their marriage. I'm sorry I wasn't enough to keep you from being to sad. Kitties jumping on your butt just isn't enough. xoxoxo
[2004-06-29 16:57:07]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
Oh! No, don't apologize. I'd have been crying like a baby if you weren't there. Even with the kitties jumping on my butt. :) It's just that he's not here and there really isn't anything you can do about that. :) But you are making it so much better by keeping me company!
[2004-06-29 20:59:46]

Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
One never wants to see someone so important to them suffer. xoxo
[2004-06-29 21:14:36]

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