solemne :: solemne's Site
�::solemne's Comment(s)�::
How can I include a comments section on my journal? I don't really understand what you are asking us to vote on. Sorry.
[2004-07-13 13:40:44]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
Whoops... sorry, folks. Ok, what I'm asking is for you to look for any Taliarant posts that you liked enough that you'd want to preserve them. If, for instance, you particularly liked the Tangled, tangled post, then you'd leave me a link to that post in MY comments here. The comments section I have here is courtesy of D-land because of the super-gold bit. I know there are various free comment possibilities out there, but so far, I haven't heard of anyone who's very pleased with theirs. The only thing so far I've found that comes with free comments is Blogger, but, since I haven't gotten any comments there yet, I don't know whether or not they notify you, etc. And I don't know if you want to move from D-land... Sorry, very long, involved response to a relatively simple question. Hopefully that makes sense. If not, e-mail me!
[2004-07-13 14:52:28]

Rick :: Rick's Site
�::Rick's Comment(s)�::
I vote YES! Oh, wait...... Uhm...What was the question again? ;)
[2004-07-14 12:48:17]

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