beagle47 :: beagle47's Site
�::beagle47's Comment(s)�::
thank you for the nice note. i wasn't particularly fond of those photos, but now i've re-thought that since they pleased you. thanks, and hope all is well, or as well as should be expected. all my best. -=b47=-
[2004-07-20 22:08:03]

Picanuttalli :: Picanuttalli's Site
�::Picanuttalli's Comment(s)�::
I found you a present:
[2004-07-21 23:32:50]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
Well, beagle, I'm so glad I could get you to rethink your position on the amazing pictures you took, because they really did make a difference to me. :)

Ilsa, you give me the BEST presents! :)
[2004-07-28 09:24:24]

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