solemne :: solemne's Site
�::solemne's Comment(s)�::
Oh, honey... As stupid as it sounds, I wish that I could sit on a ceramic tub with you, and cry.
[2004-08-05 22:55:28]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
That's not stupid at all and it made me cry! Thank you. I needed that tonight.
[2004-08-05 23:44:08]

Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
I'd be the third one to start screaming and whooping if you were pregnant, but I might also feel a little sad that your dreams would be put off for so many years. Tomorrow morning I'll cross my fingers for whichever way you want me to. I'm on your side. Solemne: I live close by, I could go sit in the edge of her tub for you but it'd make her husband real nervous to go into the bathroom first thing in the morning and see me sobbing in the tub. It's just not a good way to start the day.
[2004-08-05 23:56:49]

solemne :: solemne's Site
�::solemne's Comment(s)�::
I say cry away. Sometimes it's just needed, regardless of who's watching. Tessa, sometimes I just shake my head when I read your entries. It seems that we share similar life events, and that is where the sense of connection comes from. We just express those events, and thoughts in completely different ways. Nonetheless, I feel the same as you, and sometimes it doesn't matter how far away people are to consider them friends. Your notes are never stupid! I always look forward to them, because like you said, they are helpful in the times you need them most.
[2004-08-06 11:23:35]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
I love you. Thank you for being so good to me.
[2004-08-09 17:12:36]

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