Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
Can you add the remember me feature you your comments? I want to join! Should the 2 for 1 rule apply to blogging too?
[2004-08-17 21:51:22]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
Unfortunately... there is no remember me feature on D-land, only on Blogger sites. Unless I'm just not html literate enough to figure it out... Anyone else know?? Hmmm... the 2 for 1 rule should only apply to e-mails because I want this place to be all about me writing what I want and/or need to write without having to worry about what other people are thinking (which sounds remarkably like what I was just telling Cat, come to think of it) about what I write. Although I'll probably try to keep some appropriate balance... :)
[2004-08-17 23:09:56]

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