Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
Nothing is ever simple, especially feelings. When it's time for your miracles to happen, then they will happen. If it comes to pass that you need medical intervention to reproduce then maybe consider that someone is saving up your mircales for a time they forsee that you will really need them. Know what I mean?
[2004-09-01 16:30:01]

solemne :: solemne's Site
�::solemne's Comment(s)�::
Aw, Love. Don't feel guilty about anything. You are entitled to feel what you feel. Everyone's pain is their own, and only they truly know how to feel it.
[2004-09-04 22:16:08]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
I like that thought. I think it's something I'm going to hold onto. :) Saving my miracles for when they're really needed instead of using them up on something I can get around in other ways. :) Thank you.

Solemne, thank you. :) I sometimes need permission to feel my own feelings. If that makes sense...
[2004-09-19 03:25:54]

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