cat :: cat's Site
�::cat's Comment(s)�::
Oooo!! I can't wait to see the work of your students!!! I *love* looking at the world through the eyes of children. They are truly walking, talking miracles.
[2004-09-19 06:03:21]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
Erm... I kinda, sorta, forgot to take pictures. *blushes* Well, in my defense, we had 17 kids today. Have you ever tried finger painting with 17 kids? I was lucky no one went home with green faces! We had a marvelous time though, and, honestly! The things they painted! It was utterly gorgeous! I wish I'd remembered to bring out my camera as they were all drying, at the very least!
[2004-09-19 22:51:48]

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