cat :: cat's Site
�::cat's Comment(s)�::
I can never remember who's to be credited for this quote, but I've loved it since Mom first presented it to me: "Honesty without compassion is brutality." I honestly don't know how you *should* deal with the situation Tess...I have an *idea* of what I *might* do in the same situation, but it's very easy to stand outside it and say: "I would do..." when one isn't right in the thick of things. Since you're in conflict over how you should procede I would only suggest that you let yourself be still and let your heart tell you what's BEST FOR YOU. (I know, not too cheesy or fence-sitter-ish, eh)? If you ever need someone to talk to, I'd be happy to give you my phone #. In fact, I'll send it to you in an "e" right now. (I'd say: "let's chat online," but I'm having some problems with swelling in my hands at the moment from so much (unergonomic) typing)! I really do want things to work out in the best way possible for you and Alicia. *Hugs*
[2004-09-26 04:14:58]

solemne :: solemne's Site
�::solemne's Comment(s)�::
sometimes there are moments when one must fight for what is important in life, like friendships...and there are other times when you have to sit back and observe the path that is naturally occuring. What is meant to happen, will... In the end, it will work out, whether it ends up the way that you would like, or plan for it to be, or if its something totally different. Sorry, i'm blabbing...Just catching up :)
[2004-10-04 18:48:49]

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