solemne :: solemne's Site
�::solemne's Comment(s)�::
maybe you should go on a trip, that would be relaxing for you, even though i'm sure there are a million reasons why you don't have the time *smiles* did you get that automated mail from gmail yet? otherwise i'll just send you one from me...
[2004-10-12 12:43:24]

Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
Start a fundraiser to send him back?
[2004-10-13 19:48:04]

solemne :: solemne's Site
�::solemne's Comment(s)�::
thank you for the note. I always look forward to them. it's always nice to know that someone is there to listen, even if you've never met them in real life. it really does mean alot to me.
[2004-10-18 20:54:46]

Tessa :: Tessa's Site
�::Tessa's Comment(s)�::
Solemne: oooh, a trip. That sounds lovely. I have a marvelous uncle down in the LA area and that would be an inexpensive trip. I'm happy to be there for you, however I can, even though, these days, it's not much.

Ilsa: Looks like I don't need to! He's moving back to Chicago sometime next week. This is so crazy, I can't even begin to explain it all!
[2004-10-29 02:29:54]

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