Ilsa :: Ilsa's Site
�::Ilsa's Comment(s)�::
any news, in whatever format you can manage, is good news. How about 20 questions? 1 what are you doing for your birthday? 2 what is your favorite kind of cake? 3 are you still interested in horseback riding? 4 What study strategies are you using? 5 whats your plan for keeping zombies at bay? 6 what are your plans for this weekend? 7 what is your favorite recipe 8 what were your plans after for living on the moon? 9 did you ever explain the new title? 10 quilt or afghan? 11 why cats? 12 what book would you recommend to anyone? 13 do you have a dreamhouse? 14 guilty pleasure/vice? 15 genie gives you one wish, discuss. 16 book that would make the best movie 17 why aren't you in the choir? 18 can I have a hug? 19 will you still love me if I can't come up with a 19th? 20
[2005-05-11 04:21:11]

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